Dec 25, 2012

VS 2010/VS 2012 Web performance testing & Load testing Errors: Proxy Authorization Required Description: Authorization is required for access to this proxy

To solve this problem we have to add a webtest plug in, the code would be available in the below link.
adding this plugin solved my problem.

VS 2010/VS 2012 Web performance testing & Load testing Errors: Authentication is happening in every URL, then is a problem ,client don't want authentication to be happen in every URL

  1. Right click on the webtest
  2. Go to web test properties :
  3. Change the Response redirect  to false and cache to true
Pls provide your comment on this.

Response URL Validation The value of the ExpectedResponseUrl property '' does not equal the actual response URL ''. QueryString parameters were ignored.

  1. Select the URL 
  2. Goto properties of the URL
  3. make Response redirect  to false or remove the response URL

Give your valuable comment if it works.

TFS 2010/2012 Building and auto deployment to targeted IIS by creating new website

It is possible if you use .proj file at the time of  building.

and if you want to deploy to an existing website in IIS , you've to use MS arguments.
MS arguments that needs to be placed in build definition

/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=InProc /p:MSDeployServiceUrl=win-gs9gmujits8 /p:DeployIISAppPath="Sites/Website name"

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